Monday 27 August 2012

Faith, Hope but which Charity?

Back from Greenbelt 2012. Had a great time and heard some great talks from Shane Claiborne, Tony Campolo and Peter Owen - Jones. Trying to process what I've heard. The talks were of faith and through we all live in challenging times, contained a great deal of hope.

And that brings me to charity.

Whilst I'm trying to process what I've heard, I've come home feeling that I should be giving a bit more to charity. But which one / ones? Home? Abroad? So many to choose from and in so many sectors.

But I feel I would like to support something to do with housing (given my mortgage lending background) or environmental.

Have spent the evening looking at various options but have got no further. So blogger friends I'm asking you for some ideas. Have you got any experience of charities in these sectors? Christian or otherwise.

Let me know.


  1. I spent a few hours wandering around G-Source asking myself the same thing: which charity? But since you ask about housing, have you thought of supporting your local Citizens Advice? The changes in benefits between now and April next year are going to cause havoc with families on Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. Other bright ideas like paying Housing Benefit to the claimant rather than direct to the landlord will cause problems for families already struggling to balance the books, and landlords who are relatively patient when they know money is coming from local government will not be so understanding from then on. I'm an adviser, by the way, which is I suppose my giving in this and other CAB areas of interest.

  2. Thanks David. Will think about that
