Sunday 14 September 2014

Knowing your ABC

I recently attended a prayer breakfast organised by Churches together in Swindon at which the Archbishop of Canterbury was the guest speaker. (The Archbishop was on a visit to the Diocese of Bristol for the weekend and this was part of his very full schedule.)

Firstly, what impressed me was Mr Welby’s ability to relate to people. There were over 50 clergy from all denominations present and he managed to talk to everyone beforehand I think. He certainly came and chatted to a Methodist colleague and me – about Street Pastors and the African Praise shirt I was wearing! ABC had gone out the night before with a Street Pastors patrol in Kingswood Bristol and had enjoyed the experience.

Our collective act of worship started with a reading from 1 Corinthians 3 and the Chair of Swindon Churches Together – Methodist Superintendent Rev Mark Barrett – referred to John Wesley’s sermon “The Catholic Spirit”. A sermon in which Wesley spoke of recognising that Christians have differences over worship, over how Baptism is conducted, over how communion is celebrated etc etc. But the key is if we all love God if we all believe that Jesus is our saviour then we are one. “Give me your hand my friend”

ABC Welby then spoke. And the thrust of his talk was how over the last few years we have seen the idols people have relied on and worshipped for so long – money and wealth – collapsing due to the banking crisis of 2007 / 2008. Many people have realised that what they worshipped for so long has collapsed and they have been hurt. However, there are still those who put their faith in this idol. He mentioned how in a conversation with a city banker he was told “We have changed Archbishop. We have greatly reduced our salaries. There are few now earning salaries of more than £4m a year”!!!

Churches have responded to the crisis in this country through the growth of Foodbanks. And what impressed him was the way Foodbanks for example have grown without the need for great committees or formal agreements between denominations. Christians in one place have recognised the need and got on and done the work of the Kingdom.

He used an image I found powerful. He reminded us how in the Book of Exodus the Israelites had fled Egypt having seen the gods and idols of Egypt destroyed. But as the Israelites fled they were pursued by Pharaoh’s armies. The Israelites reached the Red Sea. They were trapped. Moses raised his arm and the sea parted and the Israelites crossed over in safety.

The point ABC made was that this was an act of faith. There was no great discussion about the rights and wrongs of going forward in faith. These believers just went forward. We too in this age need to have that courage and faith. To show the true way to live.

When I was growing up, my grandmother had a friend called Hilda Adams. Mrs Adams was quite a character and I always liked when she came to visit. One on occasion she gave me a print of Kipling’s poem “If”. She said to me (I was maybe 7 at the time) “You won’t understand this poem now. But one day you will realise its importance.”

She was right. And yesterday having (briefly) met ABC Welby and heard him speak, Hilda Adams came back to mind as did “If” especially these words:

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,”

They sum ABC Welby neatly.

God bless you ABC Welby. Thank you for your leadership and for your inspirati

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