Sunday 9 March 2014

The long goodbye

Someone who reads this blog regularly, recently commented that I'd not posted anything for five weeks. That's true but I have been a bit distracted. In fact I've been a bit distracted for the last 6 months or more.

To recap. Last summer I spent 6 weeks in Mooresville North Carolina as part of an exchange. (If you've been following this blog, you'll know all about that.) It was a very transformative experience. We made some friendships that will be lifelong. I learned so much and we had a wonderful time. And I was tempted to explore being a minister in the USA.

At the time of the exchange I had been in Swindon for six years. I went to Mooresville feeling tired and if I am honest feeling somewhat jaded. The love and care people at Fairview showed me (and my family) was restorative. I came back from the exchange feeling refreshed and reenergised and with a sense of “What does God have for me next?” I was not expecting this and I have felt blessed by the exchange.

But I also went to Mooresville knowing that the Chairman of District was asking me to move from Swindon early (I was due to be there until 2015) to take up a difficult vacant appointment elsewhere in the District.

On returning from the exchange (in late August 2013) I had a meeting with the Chairman of District and a couple of colleagues about the move and I visited Chippenham. It felt right and God was in the move. So I agreed to move.

But this was only the start. Because I had to break the news to friends at my three churches. I was surprised how hard they took the news. I suppose I had no idea how much they cared for me and valued my ministry. There was a lot of anger - though none of it directed towards me but at the system that allowed this to happen.

So we prepared for the move to Chippenham. And the process of saying goodbye began. And also the round of "Lasts" - Last school assembly, last school governors meeting etc etc. Christmas was hard as I entered the round of last Carol services. And all the while I felt I was not being true to the people in Swindon as I started to think about Chippenham.

And then the time to say final goodbyes to the churches arrived. With the big final goodbye being a joint service for all three churches. This turned out to be hugely special. There was a very good representation from each of the three churches (a combined congregation of around 140.) The service included a baptism of an 8 year old boy who has been attending St Andrews with his mum, for some time. And communion.

It was communion that was so special as virtually everyone in the congregation came forward. And as they received, so many memories came back about the connections I'd made with these people.

And now I'm in Chippenham and the next adventure begins. Watch this space

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